
November 12, 2008

Giving Thanks

I was just over to Kellishouse blogspot and saw some very cute corn husk dolls with detailed instructions how to make. They would be so cute added to a Thanksgiving centerpiece or place even card holders! Others have joined in showing things they are also working on by adding their links....some very creative ideas in crafts, decor and cooking! I give thanks of appreciation to all the bloggers that share their wonderful ideas and talents! Below, you will find more additions to Giving Thanks.


  1. Oh my some how I had missed your previous two posts Ugh!
    The turkey pinata is something else.
    What fun memories to have...
    I hope I am making those memories for my kids so they can do it for theirs in many years times

  2. Hey Cindy- I noticed the time of your post. 2:31 am. Go to bed already!!!! Bet you're up decorating the house. Love, Karen

  3. Cindy~ Thanks for stopping in and wishing me a Happy Birthday! I love your blog banner it is so cute! What great memories you have of your Thanksgiving past too.

    Have a wonderful day!



Comments made by some special people!