
September 15, 2008

Come In Dearie ...and Sit a Spell !

I was going through some Halloween Decorations the other day, and pushed to the back shelf ,was a box that said "witch" . When I saw this , I remembered it being the witch Mom bought one day down at the five and dime store in Amboy. She loved decorating for Halloween and making goodies for the town's trick or treating kids..and adults too! she would have a regular open house each year. People back home still talk about the Halloween nights at moms..good memories for us all!
She is to be hung up, and has lost her "cackle" when you clap your hands ( needs batteries no doubt)
I decided to find a special place for this "little witch with the good memories", and made some spell jars to add her to, at my house this year. The jars are grubbied and say, Spells, Potions, and All Hallows Eve.


  1. I love her face, so witchy!

    I really need to get my stuff out but I'm so overwhelmed with things to do that decorating isn't at the top of the list.

  2. Remember how Mom's ministers would try and change her mind about celebrating Holloween. She could see nothing bad in making treats and seeing all the kids and their parents. Glad she didn't quit!!!Kept you girls busy making all that stuff tho after she couldn't do it anymore. You and Helen were so good to her!

  3. What a special Witchie..Isn't it a great memory..
    I will be hosting an Autumn Open House on my pink blog..I hope you'll join us..
    smiles and hugs, Deena

  4. Have fun with the decorations!

  5. I love Halloween also, this summer has gone by so quickly that I never even got my fourth of July stuff out, so I am getting my Halloween decorations up now before it is Christmas and I am wondering where fall disappeared to.

  6. I love hearing you talk about Grandma June and sharing your memories of her. It's a joy to stop by here each day!



Comments made by some special people!