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From: Jeffrey Roth<jeffreynroth@gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Subject: Schultz Family Info
To: Angie Arthur <angelastamps@hotmail.com>, Karen Roth <karenjroth@yahoo.com>, Jerold Roth <jeroldroth@yahoo.com>
I wrote you a long answer on my new iPhone but it wasn’t sending for some reason, so here I go again.
Since you & John share g-g-grandparents, John August Ferdinand Schultz & Catherine Philippine Müller, you should be third cousins to each other, although the fact that you are a younger generation than John makes me wonder if a generation is missing in your lineage. Probably just a late marriage or child!
I have the passenger list for the Müllers/Millers in 1850 & the 1852 ship list for the maternal grandfather & family, Caspar Krumm. Unfortunately, both Miller & Schultz were common German names, so it’s easy to “find” the wrong ones!
We have info on the Millers going way back in Hesse-Nassau. Catherine (sp?) Philippine Miller Schultz’s mother was Elisabeth Zoll Krumm Miller. Elisabeth was baptized under her mother’s maiden name, Zoll, because they didn’t get around to getting married for a while, at which point she began using her father’s name Krumm. Elisabeth had a very large family with Jost Henrich Miller, including two sets of fraternal twins. The story is that she worked as a mid-wife & possibly that was because he became disabled. All of her sisters also had fraternal twins, including one who remained in Germany. One sister married Jost Henrich’s brother. The two families lived next door to each other in Germany & the wife of the older brother, Johannes, had died. Everyone was leaving for the new world, so he threw his pocket knife in the air, allowing the way it fell to decide whether he would go. He left with some of the remaining Krumms in 1852 & on the way to the ship, decided to marry Catherine Krumm. There have been a number of fraternal twins among descendants of the Krumms.
You mentioned Tampico, which rang a bell. One of the Krumm sisters, Christine, came with the Müllers in 1850. She was a school teacher & married Jacob Hein in the Sandwich area. After having four? sons (including a set of fraternal twins) rather rapidly, Christine died. Somehow, the Millers fit the boys into their already crowded home (Seen in the 1860 census?), while Jacob went off to Whiteside County, where he found a new wife & settled for the rest of his life, bringing the kids from his first marriage. I have a photo of the twins taken in Sterling. I just noticed a photo of a gravestone for William Hein (son) in the Tampico Cemetery. I think he’s your cousin & there are probably more in my pictures. Your family likely ended up there because of them! Years ago, a nun came to our home in MN, who was a descendant of Christine. She gave me some copies of photos & I never saw her again. I think I heard she moved to Ireland & quit the nuns.
As for the Schultzes, that’s the difficult side. The story is that their parents died young & your (& John’s) g-g-grandfather Schultz (alternately called John, Fred, Frank & Ferdinand) came with his brothers. He bought a new pair of boots in Chicago & they set out walking west. By Sandwich, he had raised blisters & could go no further, thus settling in that area & marrying Catherine P. Miller. Supposedly he lost track of his brothers, who continued walking. A number of years ago, a box of John August Ferdinand’s photos surfaced when his daughter or granddaughter died. Among them were photos from Wausau, with one marked, “Grandpa’s nephew, Carl Schultz.” It took some doing but I finally figured out that Carl’s father was August Schultz, brother to your JAF Schultz. More research uncovered that August died in the 1860s in Kreis (County) Naugard, Pommern. Of course, Pommern doesn’t exist since WWII, when the Poles grabbed it. After August died, his wife & three kids emigrated to Wausau. It is not clear that Naugard is where the Schultzes were from, though, but a good clue. There are others in the old photos from the Wausau area, whom I suspect are also related & a DNA match possibly confirms it! A lone photo taken in Clear Lake, IA has a different "Charlie Schultz," believed to be another nephew & maybe a son of the brother who left him with his blisters? JAF Schultz's obit says born in Stargard, Pommern, which is not in Naugard. I should note that in Germany, babies were usually given two or more names & went by the last given name. JAF Schultz named his first son (John’s g-grandfather)William Frederick Ferdinand August Schultz. I can’t help but think that the name is a combination of JAF’s brothers’ names. At any rate, I think the next step is church records. If you ever have the time to go to Somonauk or Sandwich when they are open with a German interpreter there, let me know. I went once, & one wouldn’t let me look at the German sacramental book without the interpreter present. I don’t trust their reading, so would rather have a cell phone photo that I can look at. My other thought would be the Evangelical Archives in Germany.
I'm writing without benefit of notes, so please forgive me if I screw up. I’m supposed to be cleaning out our house to market it, so that we can downsize & really need to stay focused. My hope is to get through this & then organize my over 30 yrs of genealogy, get my family trees uploaded, etc. I am on all three of the major DNA sites for more exposure. I also hope to upload DNA to Gedmatch, a free site to compare DNA across all the sites. It supposedly has better tools but it’s only as good as the number of people uploading their DNA. If you’re considering adding yourself to AncestryDNA (they claim to have the largest database but have no genome browser), DNA Day is April 25 & there will probably be a sale. I think FTDNA is now allowing you to upload your DNA from 23 & Me for about $12, which is a cheap way to get on an additional site. Remember, the older the generation participating in the test, the less diluted the DNA is going back. Thus, your mom might match John even stronger than you because you only carry half her genes. I have IDed Schultzes & Millers (ones related to you but not to the Schultzes) whom John has matched on the sites. I also manage an older Schultz male’s Y-DNA on FTDNA. That doesn’t tell me much, yet, but it’s supposed to be essentially identical to all the male descendants who have the Schultz last name & should be the same going back for maybe 500 yrs. with little mutation. I’m hoping to learn more with that as more people join.
I hope your mom is recovering well. Speaking of DNA, does she have any family history of breast cancer? Our son-in-law is an oncologist, who specializes in metastatic prostate cancer at Johns Hopkins. He is involved in a lot of research & is finding that breast cancer & prostate cancer act a lot alike & can involve the same genes but it’s very early to say much. John’s great-grandfather William Schultz (Louis’ bro) died of prostate cancer in 1931. His obit says he was treated at Mayo Clinic but there was little they could do then. 23 & Me’s DNA test told my husband that genetically, he had a normal risk of prostate cancer but his first PSA was positive at 51 & he had to have surgery. Fortunately, he didn’t trust the prognosticators at 23 & Me! Caveat Emptor! Are you or your mom aware of any prostate cancer on your side of the Schultzes?
Feel free to ask any questions & remind me if it gets too long before I get back to this.
God speed to your mom!
Ann O.
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