
April 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Karen

This pays tribute and sends birthday wishes to my sister
Karen June Roth
One of my favorite flowers each Spring, is the lilac. I think the fragrance alone would win it's beauty over, but the view one gets as you look out the window at a blooming lilac is memorable throughout the year. It take me back many years into my childhood and the days when my sister, Karen, and I would sit under the lilac bushes and play house. We would have several of moms spoons, some tin cans that would improvise as dishes, blankets and what ever we could get by with from the house..... we made some mighty fine mud pies "out under our special lilac house." We also put them in our hair..oh what glamerous young ladies we were!
I recently read an article by Cindy Ponko of Birds and Bloom magazine that described these same special moments , as she recalled her childhood days under the "lilac house".Every little girl needs lilacs in their life to appreciate what a wonderful play house they make and remember their wonderful aroma!
As we grew older the lilacs took on new purpose and we would bring in bouquets each mothers day . We felt no greater gift could be possible than a large bouquet of lilacs for mom! ( and she always seemed to agree) ,bouquets were taken for the church alter, and one year bouquets were even picked for a school prom. One thing for sure, almost always, they would bloom on my sister Karen's birthday, May 8th. She will be turning 65 years young this May 8th and know she will be delighted that I shared that news with the world!! Just remember sis, you are not getting older, you are getting better...grow old along with me, the best is yet to be...and be aware of how you are spending your perhaps last 1,440 beautiful moments, and spend them wisely. there! now do you feel younger?? LOL
Karen ...long after the lilacs are gone, each Spring will come again,bringing renewed life and memories of our wonderful childhood, playing at home ,under the lilac bush . We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing..Join Helen and I  AGAIN SOON...and lets play again under the lilac bush.. ! I'll bring the bring the cans..Mmmmm Mmmm ! mud pie! LOL LOL!

Happy Birthday Sis



  1. Happy Birthday Karen, from Bob, Steve and Matt

  2. Happy Birthday Karen.
    Carole in Ohio

  3. Happy birthday, Karen! I remember my childhood home had lilacs, and I remember their scent to this day! I would cut a bouquet and take it in to Mom for the dinner table. Sweet memories!

  4. Happy Birthday to my very, very, very young-at-heart Mama. I love you!

  5. Thanks everyone! Glad Cindy can remember all the old days..I really remember all the great mud pies that we'd pretend to eat! Thanks Cindy for being such a great sister. Love, Karen

  6. (From Cousin Judy, Rockford Il)
    "I thoroughly enjoyed your birthday tribute to Karen. When we were growing up in Chicago we had huge lilac bushes in the corner of the back yard with lilies of the valley underneath. My sister and I used to sit in them and play with the flowers - I could sit there a long time but she was antsy to play baseball and off she would go. I can remember reading books sitting in the flowers. Your story brought back lovely memories. Happy Birthday Karen!"

  7. Thank you very much for leaving a comment on my blog!
    Yes - it is spring here in Denmark, allthough the lilacs doesn´t blossom yet :-)
    I will link to your blog, so I can follow your life in Illinois.
    Regards from Irene(I´m 55,librarian,married and have 3 children and 3 grandchildren)

  8. Love reading the comments. Especially from Judy. Have been wordering how her husband is doing.What fun to hear from Irene in Denmark. We are finally having some beautiful days here in Ohio.

  9. We look forward to your upcoming visit Sis! I think the lilacs will be blooming!


Comments made by some special people!