
February 17, 2017

Howard Wellman Jr written by Jerry in 2014

 Our oldest dear brother, Howard Wellman, Jr.  in 1990. He was brilliant and had a photographic memory. He died from cancer but in the year between discovering the cancer and his dying, Howie came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as his savior. It was so typical of him to research a subject and get to know everything that can be known about it. He knew he was dying and his sisters Helen Page and  Cindy Boyenga were at his side. He kept asking her how close he was to dying, not asking out of fear but out of his desire for knowledge. He went out praying to God and singing the  kept asking her how close he was to dying, not asking out of fear but out of his desire for knowledge. He went out praying to God and singing the praise of God. I think he was 59 years old when he died. We miss him and think of him often.

Frank Leffler Howie was a wonderful man I still think of him often.
March 28, 2014 at 6:54am
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Cindy Boyenga Thank you for posting this Jer...yes..a wonderful father, big brother and uncle .. was just remembering how he sat every noon hour break from work at Stephanies bedside when she was hospitalized and so ill for ruptured spleen when 16 yrs. I couldn't have had a better brothers than Don and Howie. I can't imagine what Helen and I musdt have sounded like, singing old old sunday school but he lept asking for more...thanks for bringing him to the Lord, Jerry. You are such a wonderful brother inlaw.

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