
January 8, 2011

Family Dining Memorabilia

These are spoons and serving fork used or collected  in both Boyenga/Wellman families
some as old as 1891.  There is a collection of 4 spoons from the Chicago World's Fair,  Three  children's spoons used by the Wellman Families and a meat serving fork from Bob's great grandmother. I displayed these under glass over an old quilt /doily inside a re purposed clock I found at a rummage sale one year.

This is the two remaining pieces we have of mom's china. She had several kinds over the years, but this was the family's most used china when we were growing up. It would be on the dining room table on Sundays and holidays. It was made by Larchmont (brown pine branch) by Sango . It s somehow comforting for me to have these pieces displayed above my dining room's door way, along with other favorite Family Dining Memorabilia .

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