
June 2, 2009

Someone new is blogging! As I often tend to write a lot about my family, I have asked my sisters to be coauthors at the Gathering room.. Sister Helen sent me this memory she has about rain. It is so true ..certain smells we sense will bring back times we fondly remember. Please leave a comment and welcome Helen !

Early this a.m. I awoke to hearing thunder and rain. It brought back memories of when I was young and had the room alone at the end of the hallway. They say that smell brings back memories; I had opened the back door and smelled the rain before going back to bed. And as I lay there listening to the storm, it clearly brought back the memory of how the windows would rattle when it thundered loudly; and the smell of the rain. And for a moment I felt like I was back there; so hard to describe. Have you ever experience moments like that? Also remembered how the rain would rush down the street gutters out front; and we would go wading in it. It all was so vivid; I felt like I was once again laying on my bed listening to the storm, I could see out the windows towards the garage and the stone house next door, the rain running down the windows. I loved listening to the storms. Helen.

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