
August 20, 2008

Announcement Sept 1st!..And the Winner is...........Betty W!!

How often do you much am I like my mom???

(Bob says...does the words "A Hard headed German" come to mind?)
I was just thinking ,as I came across this old banner , of the many ways we all resemble our moms or follow their actions. I once watched mom walk or try to..into a grocery store by entering the exit door by mistake and thought..geesh..will i do that one day??? well, guess what ?..I am doing worse! THREE TIMES now, I have actually walked into a men's restroom! can quit laughing now... and start thinking about ways you may resemble your mom. I thought this might be fun and want to hear from you all on this one!
Ways I resemble mom.
1) I'm sentimental
2) I give away stuff, sometimes to strangers. I guess I am caring and sensitive to the needs of others, like mom was.
3) I love flowers ,gardening, nature and sunsets
4) I am interested in decorating for holidays and family gatherings. I love God, my family, friends , and adore my grandsons !
5) I found me a terrific husband ....(when he behaves that is, and doesn't make hard headed German remarks..ha ha)
Ways I resemble another's daughter
1) I don't like to bake or cook
2) I don't use a tablecloth or fuss on fixing the table "pretty", the best china, silver, etc
3) Dislike going to lodge, or other types of social meetings
4) I like to sing, ( mom didn't but sure made joyful music unto the Lord)
5) I hate liver , squash, and sweet potatoes. yuk yuk yuk!

OK..this should be fun..tell me about you!!


Drawing for one winner, sept 1st..give five things each or email me your answers.


  1. Too funny. I do the same things my mom does that used to drive me nuts.
    Like worry! I couldn't stand the way my mom would fuss and worry about things, now I do it.
    It's true, no matter how hard we fight it. We are are parents children.

    I will do mine on my blog tomorrow.

  2. OK will go check it out tomorrow ann Marie!!

  3. Boy Cindy, you gave me something to think about..LOL
    Ways I am like MOM
    1..Christian Values
    2..Love of Family and Friends
    3..I hope I can be half as generous as she.
    4..The ability to disreguard someones outward appearance and see the beauy inside.
    5..We both love Beans and Cornbread
    6..We love to play practical jokes.

    Ways we are different
    1..I would never take bread out of the wrapper and put on a plate at supper..not the pickles, relish. jelly..etc.
    2..I only "set" the table for special know where the forks are!
    3..I don't sew
    4..A sandwich for lunch works for does not have to be a hot meal.
    5..Dirty dishes do not drive me crazy...They hide well in the dishwasher..LOL
    6. I love Country Music! LOUD

  4. I need to know who annoymous is to enter you into the contest!!Your mother sounds like a good mom to be like!!

  5. LOL, my mom and I are not very alike at all!Sometimes we wonder if we are related! But there are a couple of things that come to mind:

    - She sings silly little songs spontaneously. I whistle silly little songs spontaneously.

    - She is kind to strangers. Me too.

    - She is down to earth and not pretentious. Me too.

  6. Cindy: I am like my Mom enough that when people had met me they
    always said : "You look just like your MOM "....... I like to cook and
    bake just like my Mom did.....I like houseplants just as my Mom
    did.....I sounded just like her on the phone to anyone who knew
    her...... I might as well have been a Twin to my Mom as we always
    looked alike all of our life.....Same height and same long legs able
    to walk fast taking long steps (my Step-sister I acquired at age 15 who
    was 18 months .older than me and was the same age as my brother ,
    once said "You and Mom walk too fast and I think you are doing it on
    purpose " ) Since she could not seem to keep up with us walking down the
    street when going shopping LOL ! One time when a friend of hers was
    introduced to me by Mom when I was 18 , said to us that they
    thought I and my Mom were "Sisters" She stayed young looking for a
    long time though, (once her own brother was thought to be her father
    when they appeared together at an American Legion dance not long after
    my Mom was divorced. He looked a lot older than she did so they assumed
    he was her father. ...LOL ) she did not have any gray or white hair
    till much later in life and in her late 50's early 60's she had only
    just started to have a bit of salt and pepper then ... I got mine from
    my Dad' s side of the family who ALL turned white haired the same as
    I did at an early age in our mid 20's . I cannot think of hardly
    anything where I was Not like my MOM at any time in her life.When I look
    in the mirror, I see my Moms' brown eyes and face just like hers....
    Love, Betty

  7. Well lets see!
    People say I look like my Momma.
    Good Christian values.
    I like to sing.
    I love helping others.
    I was always involved in school activities when my kids were small.
    I love to sew.
    I love to craft.
    I love sharing a warm smile.
    I know how to can food.

    Reading puts me asleep.
    I have too much clutter.
    I dont wear dresses.
    My hair is light brown.
    I dont wear high heels!

    Great topic cindy!!!!

  8. Ways I'm like mom:
    1) If I'm not careful, I will tell a story and forget that I've already told it and tell it over and over. . . Angie and I have promised to tell each other when we are doing it in a concerted effort to change. :)
    2)When company is coming, an alien enters my person and I go crazy and clean my house from top to bottem. Not just what you can see but every closet, cupboard, wipe down the woodwork, paint, etc.
    3) I cannot watch sports with dignity. I end up yelling at the t.v.
    4)I like to read.
    5) I like to sing.
    6)I get caught up in "the search." What search? Well, I decided Kent should have a wooden train set. I had to get piece after piece to "complete" the set. When mom decides to collect something she has to find and hunt for every piece of the set - Grandma Ellen's Precious Moments Plate set (took her several years to find the last piece), Her set of Elderly Statues, etc. I think the joy is the "hunt" not actually getting the item. I've since replaced that expensive habit with garage saling. Now the the "hunt" is for cheap "finds." :)
    7)I find myself using alot of mom's sayings i.e. "no potty talk," "if you can't say anything nice..." "lets use our manners..." "if your friends told you to jump off a bridge..." "pretty is as pretty does."
    8) Mom and I are not "crafty."
    9)I have my mom's competitive spirit. I like to win.

    Not like mom:

    1)More assertive than she is.
    2)Definitely more computer literate (yes, mom I'll help you upload your pictures soon!)
    3)My family get-togethers some day will definitely include pizza-even Thanksgiving. I simply am NOT into fixing big meals. Actually I'm not into cooking at all. Carry-in is my forte.
    4)I am not a Chatty Cathy like Mom. She will talk to anyone, anywhere. And she will keep talking and keep talking. . .(I just realized, I think I married mom! Pat does the same thing. Urgh-what does that say about me?)
    5)Along those lines, I do not bring home strays. Many family holidays included strangers at our table. Foreign exchange students, people she met at the senior center, etc. Wonderful legacy but it would require me to talk to strangers and that is not my thing.
    6)Actually hospitality in general is not my thing because of the above crazy cleaning frenzy that I find myself thrown into. It is too exhausting. Mom and Dad are great at hospitality.
    7)I don't like gardening of any kind. Too many memories of torture in the garden as children (dirt and tomato fights)

  9. Hi Aunt Cindy,

    I'm afraid that my list is going to sound a lot like Janine's (above)...sisters tend to be a lot alike sometimes. :)

    Ways I am LIKE my mom:
    1) we won a look-alike contest when I was a little girl so I'm thinking we must look a lot alike (in other words, we are both very short!)
    2) I also have the "go crazy" gene that makes me clean like a maniac whenever I find out someone is coming to visit. I really wish that she hadn't passed this on to me.
    3) Bill says that I'm competitive like my mom (I don't think that I am so much, but he insists that I am wrong.)
    4) Mom and I were both really outgoing in high school (ie. we like to flirt.)
    5) We were both homecoming queens in small schools.

    Ways I am NOT like my mom:
    1) I'm a terrible cook and I never know what to make for dinner. Mom always had a hot meal waiting on the table at a certain time each night.
    2) I hate gardening...I love the way it looks when someone comes and does it for me, but I hate the process and upkeep of it.
    3) I'm fairly artistic when it comes to certain isn't so much.
    4) I play the piano.
    5) I hate liver, cooked spinach and drinking tea or coffee. (YUCK!)

    I'm sure there are many other ways we are similar and different. This was fun!


  10. This should be pretty easy, I am told I am a lot like my dear Mother who just recently turned 80 years young.

    I love to be with family.
    I love to go to garage sales.
    I look a lot like her, even have her crooked toes, lol
    I love to take walks.

    I do wish I had inherited my Mother's organizational skills and good cooking skills. However, we have been married almost 40 years and my hubby and I havn't starved yet.


  11. Cindy Cute contest!!! I'll have to work on a list

    I nominated your blog for an award. Check out my blog to accept your award !

  12. I love to sew like my mom.
    I cook greek food like my mom
    I have to put all my open packages in ziplock bags like my mom
    I like to read about health like my mom
    I am not a fraid to talk to people about anything like my mom


  13. enjoy reading your blog and I just nominated your blog with an I Love Your Blog award! You can get the details on my blog!

  14. Oh wow.Cindy, I love your blog.came across it by accident one day.left you a message but havent heard from you..remember me? Deb from Pa cant remember the name of the board from so long ago, but when we made xmas ornies, i stitched that into the ornie.
    anyway, have a great week!

  15. Ways I'm Like My Mom

    1. I'm rather sentimental
    2. I adore my family and friends
    3. I love to sing
    4. I don't like squash
    5. I love to travel

    Ways I'm Not Like My Mom
    1. I play the piano
    2. I like dirty jokes (haha!)
    3. I don't like to play slot machines
    4. I don't have a green thumb (I tend to kill off plants if I'm not careful!)
    5. I'm not a "crafty" person - not very good at making things like that (that's what my mom is for!)


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