
April 29, 2008

Mother's Day
"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother."
~ Abraham Lincoln
MOMISMS.......... Mothers are the sweetest part of our lives. They are the person who is the most concerned about us throughout their lives. They not only shower their blessings upon us but also fully exercise their right to scold us. Of course the reason behind their doing so is again our betterment and they are only interested in making us better human beings and successful personalities. Still whatever they say seems so very musical to our ears. Is not it?

Perhaps you heard these a few times or have some more to add...what is most important...we remembered them, as do our children! I know I can still hear mom saying these words, as sure as it were yesterday and not 50 years ago.Remembering sure brings a smile to my face and perhaps will yours as well.

A little "birdy" told me! ..or ...Jenny wren told me what you were up to.
All I do is follow you around, picking up after you like some maid.
Your nose will grow if you tell a lie!
Beds are not made for jumping on.
Close the door! You do not live in a barn.
Do not pick your nose in public.
Do not run in the house or slam the doors.
Do not sit too close to the television; it will ruin your eyes...or don't cross your eyes, they will stay that way.
Do not talk with your mouth full!
Eat your vegetables; they are good for you...especially the yellow ones.(yucky squash!)
Enough is enough! ( this was the final warning call and got our attention!)
I do not care what "everyone" is doing. I care what YOU are doing.
If God had wanted you to have holes in your ears (eyebrows, tongue, etc.) He would have put them there!
If you are too sick to go to school, you are too sick to play outside.
I am doing this for your own good.
Say that again and I will wash your mouth out with soap.( and was true to her word!)
Shut the door! I am not heating the entire neighborhood!
When I was your age, I had to walk four miles through the snow, over fields, to go to school
Who taught you that? You did not learn that in this house!
A little soap & water never killed anybody
Go to your room and think about what you did! are grounded 2 weeks!
I do not care who started it, I said stop!
You can go out to play...after you have done your chores.
Called us "Kellen" when upset ( would get mixed up as to who she was yelling to..Karen, Helen or Cindy) Thanks for remembering this one Angie! and also Karen added in comments, "There was a buildup to the Kellen. It went like this....Cin, Kare, Hell........KELLEN!!!!!!!! Then we all would come running"!!!
Mom would say something was" in the whatsamacallit"-could be the hallway, cubbyhole,living room closet, buffet or anywhere! We'd run and check all three
She'd say a tongue would beging to turn black when you'd lie and I'd run in to see if mine had started turning yet. (Thanks for the memories Karen!)
ahhh to hear these words again...I sure miss you mom !
Happy Mother's Day Everyone!


  1. How about...

    "You should always wear clean underwear because you never know when you might get in a car accident!" (I can't remember if Grandma told me that or if it was mom.) :)

    Or, how about how she was always calling you girls "Kellen!" (The short version of Karen/Cindy/Helen when she wanted you NOW.

    I've been thinking about Grandma a lot lately and still miss her so much...

  2. There was a buildup to the Kellen. It went like this....Cin, Kare, Hell........KELLEN!!!!!!!! Then we all would come running.Sure miss not running out and having to get a Mother's day card for either Mom or Ellen. Miss them so much.

  3. I didn't know Grandma had a potty mouth like that Mom "Cin, Kare, HELL....Kellen!"

    I couldn't help myself when I saw that typed up there {hee-hee!}

  4. She would really get a laugh out of this conversation..we always teased her about this.LOL

  5. Or she'd say something was in the whatamacallit-could be the hallway cubbyhole,living room closet, buffet or anywhere! We'd run and check all three. Or she'd not be able to find her girdle and Dad would say ,"Myrtle can't find her girdle" which would rile her up. It wasn't easy to get into either! I find myself quoting her in my Sunday School class. She'd say a tongue would beging to turn black when you'd lie and I'd run in to see if mine had started turning yet.Cindy, you need to write up about the blanket tents and cookout in the backyard or clubhouse in the upper part of the garage. Or what we'd do to poor Pal . Or asparagus picking time and then playing with the boxes in the fall. I remember this stuff as I talk to the lady I take care of. We had a great childhood. Thanks Mom and Dad.

  6. My favorites were:

    Carrots are good for your eyes. If you don't eat your might need glasses.

    Bread crust would make your hair curly. I never really wanted curly hair so it didn't work for me.

    Something would give you hair on your chest-I can't remember what- that one was said to the boys.

    And last but not least "Helen's girls NEVER fight. They always get along and treat each other the way sisters should!" I sure got sick of hearing about those perfect Page girls! Later in life she heard some stories though and was gracious enough to apologize to us. :)

    And I will always remember her singing Brahms Lullaby to the babies.

  7. Janu=ine...LOL...good ones...yes...drinking cooffee grows hair on your chest and stunts your growth...that is what I was told...and if you ever drank mom and dads would believe it! LOL she would put about a cup of coffe grounds into this big coffee kettle and some egg shells and boil the heck out of it!... it was so strong it would keep you awake for days..I swear..ask your dad..LOL


Comments made by some special people!