I would certainly much prefer to buy the finished product online or at a craft show as opposed to figuring out how to make it myself, but I am retired now and have decided i will bring out the sewing machine and see what i could do. Do you have an unsightly candle jar burning with black soot on the edges? These are the answer to keeping them pretty looking as you burn them! I originally made them for fruit jar electric candle lamps, then moved on to Yankee candle jar covers. this particular cover was made from an old quilt and I made a round candle mat to match out of the same fabirc. I love the hand quilting in it ! In the Pumpkin patch wrap, I appliqued felt to the jar wrap and stitched it .
To make them just measure the jar to cover allowing 1/2 inch seam allowance, draw out a stitchery pattern onto it and embropider it. I used a cotton backing and cotton tie ons in finshing it up.
I LOVE the candle jar covers how stinkin clever :D Awesome!